In my home town, Medan-Indonesia, there's a common public transportation called BECAK (three chicle). There are 2 kind of becaks, one is with machine we call it with motor chicle (or in Indonesia language 'becak bermotor' and the other one is without machine we call it with 'becak dayung' (as seen in this picture) which rein by human power.
Some years ago the non machine 'becak' was very famous. It was our favorite transportation besides the price was not too expesinve. But nowadays, this kind of transporatation slowly but suer dissapear from the circulation of public transportation in Medan. It has been changed with 'becak bermotor'. The government had planned to effacement becak dayung and change it with the machine one. The riders of 'becak dayung' have no choice so they perforce their becak dayung with the machine one although indeed it really expensive for them to buy it. But they can buy it by credit from bank or any other transportation company which prepare credit program to those who need fund aid.
Compare to the becak bermotor, becak dayung was much, much better. Why? Environment friendly! There are some of becak dayung still exist until now but very limited. We need more becak dayung, beside it's good for our environment also there are peoples will have something to do for their living rather than become a rober, thief, etc.
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